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Project in the spotlight: Exhaust & intake chimneys in combination with ceiling inlets


For a farrowing sow barn in Ireland, we were allowed to supply the ventilation chimneys in combination with ceiling inlets for an optimal barn climate.

  • The ventilation chimneys use the Exhaust Chimney AVK, a chimney with a rain ring. The inlet chimneys use the Intake Chimney ILK with rain cap.
  • The inlet chimneys are mounted in combination with double Ceiling Inlet Horizontal PVH, so that a well-distributed air inlet is obtained in the barn. The air intake and throw can be regulated by the horizontal inlets which are connected to a winch motor.

Do you also have an issue or a assignment in the field of barn climate, daylight and/or limiting light influences? Please feel free to contact us. Our experts will be happy to help you.

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Kraamzeugenstal Ierland
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