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Minimum ventilation in poultry houses


With autumn just around the corner, it is important to see how the ventilation system in the house functions with minimum ventilation. Minimum ventilation is a problem in many houses. This is due to the challenge of getting the small amount of incoming air into the center of the house, without dropping it directly onto the animals. A good solution is desirable, especially with the increasingly wider houses with negative pressure ventilation and wall inlets.

We have designed the Uniflex V-shaped ventilation slide especially for this situation. Due to the V-shaped slide, a narrowing is automatically created in the opening at minimum ventilation. This allows use of the Venturi effect. Simply put, this effect means that when air (or other liquids) have to pass through a smaller cross section, the pressure decreases and the velocity increases. Think of placing a thumb on a garden hose, so that the water can suddenly be sprayed further.¹

Due to the above principle, the incoming air will enter the house at a higher speed with minimum ventilation with a V-shaped ventilation slide than with regular ventilation inlets. The jet streams can reach the center of the house and provide the animals with fresh air throughout the house.

An additional advantage of the V-shaped slide is that there is no need to use a summer-winter regulation, in which part of the wall inlets  are closed in the winter months. As a result, the air enters the house well distributed and savings can be made on an extra main line with drive. In this way, Scan-Air products can be used to create an optimal working and living environment for both humans and animals.

For more information about the Uniflex ventilation slide, see the product page:

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