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For a complete climate solution!


Scan-Air once started producing inlet valves. Over time, a number of product categories have been added. In addition to wall inlets, Scan-Air now also produces the following product categories:

  • ceiling inlets;
  • (indirect) air inlets;
  • daylight systems;
  • pop-hole doors;
  • ventilation chimneys;
  • light traps;
  • other products.

With these products it is possible to compose a complete climate solution for your house. Consider, for example, an equal pressure ventilation system, consisting of intake and exhaust chimneys and pop-hole doors. Or a tunnel ventilation system, consisting of tunnel inlets with pad cooling and wall fans with light traps.
To give you an idea what our products can be used for, the illustration on the right has been designed. This illustration has also been added with interactive elements to the homepage of our website.

We are happy to answer any questions or to think along with you for an ideal solution for your house climate. We can offer a suitable solution for both construction and renovation.

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